our god forgets

“They shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the LORD: for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.”

ur omniscient God has the unique ability that we do not have: He has the ability to forget what he forgives. The new covenant, attested by the blood of Jesus, offers complete forgiveness. The forgiveness is so complete that God can say that doesn’t even remember our sins. This is the power of the blood of Jesus. The God of grace forgets our sins! He places us in His sight as though we had never committed one sin. As well, this reminds us that the believer is in no way on probation. Before God, his past sin has no bearing on God’s present dealing.

There is no possibility of true happiness until we have established friendship and fellowship with God. And there is no possibility of establishing this fellowship apart from the cross of His Son, Jesus Christ. God says, “I will forgive you, but I will forgive only at the foot of the cross.” He says, “I will fellowship with you, but I will fellowship with you only at the cross.” That is the reason it is necessary for us to come to the cross in repentance of our sin and by faith in His Son to find forgiveness and salvation.

Are you laden under a load of guilt? Are you walking about with a heart that doesn’t seem to stop condemning you? Are you feeling miserable about all the past sin and moral failure? The devil will tell you, “you are a gone case!”, but he will not tell you, Jesus has already gone to the Cross and paid for your sin. For without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sin, but there is forgiveness available today, because Jesus has shed the blood already. Hallelujah!

Well, that’s what the blood of Jesus does, it cleanses us from all our unrighteousness and God remembers it no more. And He will always remember, not to remember, your sins. But after having confessed your sin, you must do what God does with our sin–forget about it. Yes, believers must endeavor to do with their sin exactly what God has done: forget about it. If you still feel miserable, your feelings are lying and is the result of still trusting in your own wisdom rather than the Word of God. This is a step of faith and faith is an act of will!

“He will always remember, not to remember, your sins”

When we come to Christ, God imparts His righteousness to us. It is as if an accounting entry had been made in the books of heaven, declaring us righteous for Christ’s sake. The Divine Bookkeeper cancels our debt!

O’ LORD, I bow at the foot of the cross in humble gratitude for Your incredible salvation. I celebrate my sweet fellowship with You through prayer, through the Word, and through the church. Thank You for forgetting my failures and forgiving my sins through the blood of Jesus. Amen.