isn’t it time?

“By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another”

JOHN 13:35


The time is now for all the churches irrespective of doctrinal differences, traditions, creed, etc., to come together once again at the foot of the cross, to seek God’s forgiveness and to remember the prayer of Jesus, “…that they may be one as we are one; I in them and you in me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.” —John 17:22-23. To be under the unction of the Spirit of God and be captivated by Jesus Himself because of the “First Love”Rev.2:4, that is in us, before we launch a final assault on the devil and his company, and reaching the souls and the poor of India with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

The final harvest is huge, urgent and full of opportunity.

The final thrust calls for unity of all churches who believes in the bible as the Word of God to come together and surrender to the will of God, and the leadership of the Holy Spirit. Along with unity, the churches should be seasoned with the “first love” of God and be ready to stand with the resurrected Christ to the end.

The call for church is to repent and reconcile among themselves first, to forgive and to forget all the differences and start crying to God for forgiveness and mercy. It is time to seek his divine direction with a focus in saving India before the return of Christ. The call is to long for a holy unity in Christ, an effective stewardship of the gifts of God, accuracy in dissecting the Word, integrity to witness Christ and His gospel of the Kingdom. For the last church will be like the first church, and right now the “like-the-first church” rehearsal is going on around the world. Whether we like it or not God’s program is happening as per His schedule and He is calling us, his children, to be sensitive and attentive to His divine clock to keep ourselves aware of His fulfilling program as we approach the end.

Steve Khongsngi


Dear Father God, we ask you to give us a heart. Unite us as the body of Christ to fulfill your mission through the church. We respond to your call. Amen